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So far TSC has created 19 blog entries.

Health Tip of the Day: Kids Need to Practice Good Computer Ergonomics Too!


At least 70 percent of America's 30 million elementary school students use computers, according to a recent New York Times article. As a result of this increased usage, doctors of chiropractic are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already [...]

Health Tip of the Day: Kids Need to Practice Good Computer Ergonomics Too!2012-05-31T10:45:05+00:00

Health Tip of the Day: Foam Rolling 101- Try our class 6:30pm on Thursdays!


 Guide To 8-15 Minutes of Foam Rolling Foam rolling utilizes a technique called Self-Myofascial Release (SMR).  Muscles contain a proprioceptor called the Golgi Tendon Organ. The GTO is responsible for saving us from a lot of injuries.  When a muscle is activated to the point of near injury, the GTO reflex sends a message to shut the muscle down. Without getting too complicated, the pressure [...]

Health Tip of the Day: Foam Rolling 101- Try our class 6:30pm on Thursdays!2012-05-29T16:31:19+00:00

Health Tip of the Day: Walk Your Way to Better Health


Want a way to reduce your risk of heart disease? Prevent osteoporosis? Control your heart rate and improve your circulation? Overcome depression? It's as simple as putting one foot in front of the other. Performed daily, a brisk walk can provide all of these health benefits and more.

Health Tip of the Day: Walk Your Way to Better Health2012-05-17T15:33:09+00:00

Power of Your Imagination


Exercise your imagination frequently. Stay in touch with the child within. Adopt an attitude of playfulness. Humor and pleasure can be tremendous stress buffers. Open yourself to chance: Some choices take you exactly where you need to go; others take you by surprise. Let them. All we have is the integrity of this moment, and the calm that comes from trusting [...]

Power of Your Imagination2012-05-15T17:05:14+00:00

Health Tip of the Day: Stand Up To Live Longer


If you are like most people you spend most of the day either sitting at an office desk, sitting in traffic or watching television on the couch for hours at a time. If it ever crossed your mind that these sedentary activities might not be good for your overall health, then you are right. Numerous research studies show that sitting for [...]

Health Tip of the Day: Stand Up To Live Longer2012-05-11T21:54:07+00:00

Health Tip of the Day: More Power through Water


Water keeps all metabolic processes in our body running and thus regulates-among others- breathing, digestion, body temperature, blood flow and detoxification. In addition, it is significantly involved in the renewal of our body cells. That is why water affects our body like an elixir of life.  In order to supply your body with enough fluid, you should drink at least [...]

Health Tip of the Day: More Power through Water2012-05-10T00:02:29+00:00

Health Tip of the Day: High heels and the price of vanity!


Abandon those high heels ladies! Wearing high-heeled shoes leads to abnormal body posture. Due to the missing rolling motion of the heel of the foot to the ball of the foot, an unatural pelvis position follows that is then transferred to the lumbar spine inducing a hollow back. As a result, the intervertebral discs have to absorb the increased pressure [...]

Health Tip of the Day: High heels and the price of vanity!2012-05-07T18:22:26+00:00

Health Tip of the Day


Regular workouts in our everyday life is very important to preserve the spine's function. It strengthens our muscles and thus improves mobility of the spine and supports its stabilization. Go on and get your groove on today, the benefits are tremendous for both mind and body!

Health Tip of the Day2012-05-05T17:45:53+00:00

Health Tip of the Day:


For a quick energy booster, schedule some quiet time during your workday to unwind and rejuvenate. People who have regular breaks in their schedule tire less easily.

Health Tip of the Day:2012-04-19T01:12:39+00:00
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